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It is a very rare case that the author of these lines would wish to fuse together with the real and recognizable world, depicted on limited water-colour-paper space. When looking closely colours by Nikolay Uvarov, which bring to the lively southern mountain aroma, this feeling arises once and for ever. Human tonque calls these pictures quite simply: hills, mountains, but there is something ineffably clean, delicate and joyfully-wise in these wonderful samples of living, unending harmony, it flows into the very depths of soul at-perception of Eternity, spread in the form and contours of those... To picture that one needs not only to visit those places, and not only to know how to use pencil and bruch on paper... Many have visited, many have used... Nikolay Uvarov in his miniature watercolours shows a rare example of Happening with primary tial Essence of Nature, dissolving one's main Human part in It. And as a result we can see these creations before us and it is a Happening! Bright of colour, distinctive and good in it's essence. And it means creative and healing-harmonizing. We can be happy that this wonderful set of micro-masterpieces is before the eyes of Your contemporary, longing for Really Harmoneous, Real, Deep and Mercyful. The only minus of this set is it's shortness. However, a long prayer is from devil... And Creator and Benefactor of Eternal Beauty depicted by inspired Master's hand, be always with us. Amen.
Yury Lir,
Eniology Doctor,
Cholistic Medicine Doctor,
Professor, member of American
Academy of Religion and Psychical Investigations.

Николай Уваров Библейские мотивы
Nikolay Uvarov Biblical motifs
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 Библейские мотивы Biblical motifs
 Библейские мотивы Biblical motifs
 Библейские мотивы Biblical motifs
 Библейские мотивы Biblical motifs
 Библейские мотивы Biblical motifs
 Библейские мотивы Biblical motifs
У апостола Павла в одном из Посланий есть фраза о том, что молчание тайна будущего века. Понимаю ее почти буквально.
Николай Уваров,
в интервью газете «CM», 14 ноября 1998 г.